Difference between revisions of "General Terminology"

Difference between revisions of "General Terminology"

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(405 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown)
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<font size="4">[[#A|'''A''']] - [[#B|'''B''']] - [[#C|'''C''']] - [[#D|'''D''']] - [[#E|'''E''']] - [[#F|'''F''']] - [[#G|'''G''']] - [[#H|'''H''']] - [[#I|'''I''']] - [[#J|'''J''']] - [[#K|'''K''']] - [[#L|'''L''']] - [[#M|'''M''']] - [[#N|'''N''']] - [[#O|'''O''']] - [[#P|'''P''']] - [[#Q|'''Q''']] - [[#R|'''R''']] - [[#S|'''S''']] - [[#T|'''T''']] - [[#U|'''U''']] - [[#V|'''V''']] - [[#W|'''W''']] - [[#X|'''X''']] - [[#Y|'''Y''']] - [[#Z|'''Z''']]</font>
<center><font size="2"> [[#A|'''A''']] | [[#B|'''B''']] | [[#C|'''C''']] | [[#D|'''D''']] | [[#E|'''E''']] | [[#F|'''F''']] | [[#G|'''G''']] | [[#H|'''H''']] | [[#I|'''I''']] | [[#J|'''J''']] | [[#K|'''K''']] | [[#L|'''L''']] | [[#M|'''M''']] | [[#N|'''N''']] | [[#O|'''O''']] | [[#P|'''P''']] | [[#Q|'''Q''']] | [[#R‎|'''R''']] | [[#S|'''S''']] | [[#T|'''T''']] | [[#U|'''U''']] | [[#V|'''V''']] | [[#W|'''W''']] | [[#X|'''X''']] | [[#Y|'''Y''']] | [[#Z|'''Z''']] | [[##|'''#''']]</font></center>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''A''' </font> ==
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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*[[Accelerated Learning ]]
*[[Accelerated Learning ]]
Line 28: Line 17:
*[[Active Learning ]]
*[[Active Learning ]]
*[[Active Listening]]
*[[Active Report ]]
*[[Active Report ]]
*[[Adaptive Learning ]]
*[[Adaptive Learning ]]
*[[Adaptive Testing]]
*[[Adaptive Management ]]
*[[Adaptive Management ]]
Line 45: Line 38:
*[[Advance Organizers ]]
*[[Advance Organizers ]]
*[[After Action Review ]]
*[[Advanced Skills ]]
*[[Alignment ]]
*[[Affinity Grouping Technique]]
*[[After Action Review ]]
*[[Alternative Assessment ]]
*[[Alternative Assessment ]]
Line 56: Line 51:
*[[Andragogy ]]
*[[Andragogy ]]
*[[Appreciative Inquiry (AI)]]
*[[Artificial Intelligence ]]
*[[Artificial Intelligence ]]
*[[Assessment ]]
*[[Assessment ]]
*[[Assessment Standardization]]
*[[Assessment Tool]]
*[[Asset Management Mentality ]]
*[[Asset Management Mentality ]]
*[[Asynchronous Communication]]
*[[Asynchronous Learning ]]
*[[Asynchronous Learning ]]
*[[Asynchronous Tools]]
*[[Audience Analysis ]]
*[[Audience Analysis ]]
Line 70: Line 77:
*[[Authoring Tool ]]
*[[Authoring Tool ]]
*[[Autonomic Learning ]]
*[[Avatar ]]
*[[Avatar ]]
== B ==
*[[Award ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''B''' </font> ==
*[[Backbone ]]
*[[Backbone Network]]
*[[Backward Chaining ]]
*[[Backward Chaining ]]
Line 82: Line 95:
*[[Bandwidth ]]
*[[Bandwidth ]]
*[[Basic Knowledge Analysis ]]
*[[Behavior Modification ]]
*[[Behavior Modification ]]
*[[Behaviorism ]]
*[[Behaviorism ]]
*[[Best Practices ]]
*[[Blended Learning ]]
*[[Blended Learning ]]
*[[Bloom’s Taxonomy ]]
*[[Bloom’s Taxonomy ]]
Line 98: Line 109:
*[[Bookmark ]]
*[[Bookmark ]]
*[[Branching ]]
*[[Branching ]]
*[[Branching Assessment]]
*[[Branch Back ]]
*[[Branch Back ]]
*[[Bulletin Board ]]
*[[Bulletin Board ]]
Line 109: Line 126:
*[[Business Process Re-Engineering]]
*[[Business Process Re-Engineering]]
== C ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
*[[Capacity Building ]]
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''C''' </font> ==
*[[Capacity Development ]]
*[[Capacity Development ]]
*[[Career Development]]
*[[Career Mentoring ]]
*[[Career Mentoring ]]
*[[Carousel Brainstorming ]]
*[[Carousel Brainstorming ]]
*[[Cascade Training ]]
*[[Case Based Reasoning ]]
*[[Case Based Reasoning ]]
*[[Case Study]]
*[[Certification ]]
*[[Certification ]]
Line 126: Line 149:
*[[Chat Room ]]
*[[Chat Room ]]
*[[Chat/Talk show]]
*[[Checklist ]]
*[[Checklist ]]
Line 138: Line 163:
*[[Cognitive Engagement ]]
*[[Cognitive Engagement ]]
*[[Cognitive Knowledge ]]
*[[Cognitive Load]]
*[[Cognitivism ]]
*[[Cognitivism ]]
*[[Cohort ]]
*[[Cohort ]]
*[[Collaborative Learning]]
*[[Collaborative Planning ]]
*[[Collaborative Planning ]]
Line 149: Line 180:
*[[Collaborative Working ]]
*[[Collaborative Working ]]
*[[Communities of Interest ]]
*[[Collegial Coaching ]]
*[[Communities of Practice ]]
*[[Communities of Practice ]]
*[[Competency ]]
*[[Community Interactive Theater ]]
*[[Competency Analysis ]]
*[[Competence ]]
*[[Competency-Based Instruction ]]
*[[Competence Framework]]
*[[Competence Analysis ]]
*[[Competence-Based Instruction ]]
*[[Complex Learning]]
*[[Comprehension ]]
*[[Comprehension ]]
*[[Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) ]]
*[[Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)]]
*[[Computer Based Training (CBT) ]]
*[[Computer Conferencing ]]
*[[Computer Conferencing ]]
*[[Computer Simulation ]]
*[[Computer Marked Assignments ]]
*[[Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) ]]
*[[Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) ]]
*[[Computer Simulation ]]
*[[Computer-Based Training (CBT) ]]
*[[Conceptualization Theory]]
*[[Computer-Marked Assignments ]]
*[[Concept Modeling]]
*[[Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) ]]
*[[Confirmative Evaluation ]]
*[[Confirmative Evaluation ]]
Line 188: Line 233:
*[[Control Processes ]]
*[[Control Processes ]]
*[[Convergent Assessment]]
*[[Cooperative Learning ]]
*[[Cooperative Learning ]]
Line 194: Line 241:
*[[Core Competencies ]]
*[[Core Competencies ]]
*[[Course Blueprint ]]
*[[Course Blueprint ]]
*[[Course Goals]]
*[[Course Management Systems]]
*[[Course Map ]]
*[[Course Map ]]
Line 205: Line 258:
*[[Criteria ]]
*[[Criteria ]]
*[[Criterion-Referenced Assessment ]]
*[[Criterion-Referenced Assessment]]
*[[Critical Knowledge Function(CKF) ]]
*[[Critical Incident-Based Learning]]
*[[Critical Knowledge Function (CKF) ]]
*[[Critical Moments Reflection Methodology]]
*[[Critical Path Analysis]]
*[[Cubing ]]
*[[Cubing ]]
== D ==
*[[Customer Capital]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''D''' </font> ==
*[[Data Conferencing ]]
*[[Data Conferencing ]]
Line 218: Line 283:
*[[Data Mining ]]
*[[Data Mining ]]
*[[Data Visualization]]
*[[De Facto Standard ]]
*[[De Facto Standard ]]
*[[Decision Support Systems (DSS) ]]
*[[Decision Support Systems (DSS) ]]
*[[Decision Tree]]
*[[Design-Based Learning]]
*[[Design Document ]]
*[[Design Document ]]
*[[Development Center ]]
*[[Desktop Publishing Tools]]
*[[Dialog Mapping]]  
*[[Dialogic Learning ]]
*[[Dialogic Learning ]]
*[[Differential Learning]]
*[[Differentiated Instruction ]]
*[[Differentiated Instruction ]]
*[[Digital Communication]]
*[[Dimensions ]]
*[[Dimensions ]]
Line 236: Line 317:
*[[Discretionary Behavior ]]
*[[Discretionary Behavior ]]
*[[Discussion Board]]
*[[Discussion Panel]]
*[[Distance Learning ]]
*[[Distance Learning ]]
Line 246: Line 331:
*[[Domain-Expert ]]
*[[Domain-Expert ]]
*[[Dotmocracy/Speed Geeking]]
*[[Double-Loop Learning ]]
*[[Double-Loop Learning ]]
== E ==
*[[Dual System Education ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''E''' </font> ==
*[[E-Learning ]]
*[[E-Learning ]]
Line 256: Line 347:
*[[E-Learning Portal ]]
*[[E-Learning Portal ]]
*[[Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)]]
*[[Electronic Tablet]]
*[[Embedded Assessment ]]
*[[Embedded Assessment ]]
*[[Emotional Intelligence]]
*[[Empowerment ]]
*[[Empowerment ]]
*[[Enterprise Information Model ]]
*[[E-Portfolio ]]
*[[E-Portfolio ]]
Line 270: Line 367:
*[[Executive Information Systems ]]
*[[Executive Information Systems ]]
*[[Exit Interview]]
*[[Expectational Knowledge ]]
*[[Expectational Knowledge ]]
*[[Experiental Learning ]]
*[[Experiential Learning ]]
*[[Experiential Learning Activity (ELA)]]
*[[Expert System ]]
*[[Expert System ]]
Line 281: Line 382:
*[[Extensibility ]]
*[[Extensibility ]]
== F ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''F''' </font> ==
*[[Face-to-Face Meeting]]
*[[Facilitated Learning ]]
*[[Facilitated Learning ]]
Line 290: Line 395:
*[[Factual Knowledge ]]
*[[Factual Knowledge ]]
*[[Feed Reader]]
*[[Fellowship Programme]]
*[[File Sharing]]
*[[Flexible Learning ]]
*[[Flexible Learning ]]
*[[Focus Groups]]
*[[Force-Field Assessment Analysis]]
*[[Formal Learning]]
*[[Formative Assessment ]]
*[[Formative Assessment ]]
== G ==
*[[Formative Evaluation]]
*[[Fuzzy Query]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''G''' </font> ==
*[[Generative Learning ]]
*[[Generative Learning ]]
*[[Generic Skills ]]
*[[Generic Skills ]]
*[[Good Practices]]
*[[Ground Rules]]
*[[Groupware ]]
*[[Groupware ]]
== H ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''H''' </font> ==
*[[Handbooks ]]
*[[Handbooks ]]
*[[Handout ]]
*[[Handout ]]
*[[Hard Skills ]]
*[[Human Capital ]]
*[[Human Capital ]]
Line 314: Line 451:
*[[Humanism ]]
*[[Humanism ]]
*[[Hyperlink ]]
*[[Hypermedia ]]
*[[Hypermedia ]]
Line 319: Line 458:
*[[Hypertext ]]
*[[Hypertext ]]
== I ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''I''' </font> ==
*[[IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder)]]
*[[Image Bank]]
*[[Impact Pathways]]
*[[Individualized Instruction ]]
*[[Individualized Instruction ]]
*[[Informal Education ]]
*[[Informal Learning]]
*[[Information Audit ]]
*[[Information Audit ]]
Line 331: Line 478:
*[[Information Management ]]
*[[Information Management ]]
*[[Information Management and Reporting ]]
*[[Information Mapping]]
*[[Information Reporting ]]
*[[Information Resource Management (IRM) ]]
*[[Information Resource Management (IRM) ]]
Line 339: Line 488:
*[[Innovation ]]
*[[Innovation ]]
*[[Instructional Design (ID) ]]
*[[Inquiry-Based Learning]]
*[[Instructional Design ]]
*[[Instructional Design Software ]]
*[[Instructional Design Software ]]
Line 345: Line 496:
*[[Instructional Setting ]]
*[[Instructional Setting ]]
*[[Intangigle Assets ]]
*[[Instructional Technology]]
*[[Instructor Guide]]
*[[Intangible Assets ]]
*[[Intangible Capital]]
*[[Intellectual Assets Management ]]
*[[Intellectual Assets Management ]]
Line 352: Line 511:
*[[Interactive Activity ]]
*[[Interactive Activity ]]
*[[Interactive Lecture]]
*[[Interactivity ]]
*[[Interactivity ]]
== J ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''J''' </font> ==
*[[Job Shadowing ]]
*[[Just 3 words]]
*[[Just-in-Time Learning]]
*[[Just-in-Time Learning]]
== K ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
*[[Know-How ]]
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''K''' </font> ==
*[[Knowledge ]]
*[[Knowledge ]]
*[[Knowledge Acquisition]]
*[[Knowledge Analysis ]]
*[[Knowledge Analysis ]]
Line 374: Line 543:
*[[Knowledge Audit ]]
*[[Knowledge Audit ]]
*[[Knowledge Based System]]
*[[World/Knowledge Café|Knowledge Café]]
*[[Knowledge Community ]]
*[[Knowledge Community ]]
Line 380: Line 553:
*[[Knowledge Driven Decision Support Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Driven Decision Support Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Fair]]
*[[Knowledge Management ]]
*[[Knowledge Management ]]
Line 386: Line 561:
*[[Knowledge Map ]]
*[[Knowledge Map ]]
*[[Knowledge Modeling]]
*[[Knowledge Organization ]]
*[[Knowledge Organization ]]
Line 392: Line 569:
*[[Knowledge Representation ]]
*[[Knowledge Representation ]]
*[[Knowledge Retention]]
*[[Knowledge Service Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Service Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Services ]]
*[[Knowledge Services ]]
*[[Knowledge Sharing]]
*[[Knowledge Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Systems ]]
Line 403: Line 584:
*[[K-Spot ]]
*[[K-Spot ]]
== L ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''L''' </font> ==
*[[Leader ]]
*[[Leader ]]
*[[Learner-Centered Approach ]]
*[[Leadership ]]
*[[Learning and Development ]]
*[[Learner-Centered Approach ]]
*[[Learning Center ]]
*[[Learning Center ]]
Line 415: Line 600:
*[[Learning Community ]]
*[[Learning Community ]]
*[[Learning Cycle ]]
*[[Learning Cycle ]]
*[[Learning Goals ]]
*[[Learning Disabilities]]
*[[Learning Games]]
*[[Learning Management System (LMS) ]]
*[[Learning Management System (LMS) ]]
Line 431: Line 618:
*[[Learning Organizations ]]
*[[Learning Organizations ]]
*[[Learning Process ]]
*[[Learning Process ]]
*[[Learning Styles]]
*[[Learning Theory]]
*[[Learning to Learn]]
*[[Lessons Learned ]]
*[[Lessons Learned ]]
Line 437: Line 630:
*[[Lifelong Learning ]]
*[[Lifelong Learning ]]
== M ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''M''' </font> ==
*[[Manual ]]
*[[Mastery Learning ]]
*[[Mastery Learning ]]
*[[Meaning Making Process]]
*[[Mental Models]]
*[[Mental Simulation]]
*[[Mentoring ]]
*[[Mentoring ]]
*[[Metacognition ]]
*[[Metacognition ]]
*[[Methods of Assessment ]]
*[[Methods of Assessment ]]
Line 450: Line 657:
*[[Mixed Mode Institution ]]
*[[Mixed Mode Institution ]]
*[[Mobile Learning]]
*[[Module ]]
*[[Module ]]
*[[Most Significant Change (MSC)]]
*[[Motivational Dialogue ]]
*[[Motivational Dialogue ]]
*[[Multilevel Assessment]]
*[[Multilevel Instruction ]]
*[[Multilevel Instruction ]]
*[[Multiple Intelligences]]
*[[Mutual Learning ]]
*[[Mutual Learning ]]
== N ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''N''' </font> ==
*[[Needs Assessment ]]
*[[Needs Assessment ]]
Line 466: Line 685:
*[[Networking ]]
*[[Networking ]]
*[[Neural Network]]
*[[Nominal Group Technique ]]
*[[Nominal Group Technique ]]
*[[Non-Formal Adult Education]]
*[[Non-Formal Learning]]
== O ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''O''' </font> ==
*[[Objective Assessment ]]
*[[Objective Assessment ]]
*[[On-the-Job Training (OJT)]]
*[[Online Facilitator]]
*[[Online Learning ]]
*[[Online Learning ]]
*[[Open and Distance Learning (ODL) ]]
*[[Open and Distance Learning (ODL)]]
*[[Open ECBCheck]]
*[[Open Educational Resources (OER)]]
*[[Open Educational Practices (OEP)]]
*[[Open Learning Environment (OLE)]]
*[[Open Source]]
*[[Open Space Technology]]
*[[Organizatioanal Learning ]]
*[[Organization Structure ]]
*[[Organization Structure ]]
*[[Organizational Development (OD)]]
*[[Organizational Learning ]]
*[[Outcome Based Education (OBE)]]
*[[Outcome Mapping]]
*[[Outcome Mapping]]
== P ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''P''' </font> ==
*[[Paradigm Shift ]]
*[[Paradigm Shift ]]
*[[Participant Guide]]
*[[Participant’s Package ]]
*[[Participant’s Package ]]
Line 498: Line 753:
*[[Peer-to-Peer Network (P2P) ]]
*[[Peer-to-Peer Network (P2P) ]]
*[[Performance Analysis]]
*[[Performance Assessment]]
*[[Performance Objective ]]
*[[Performance Objective ]]
Line 508: Line 769:
*[[Podcasting ]]
*[[Podcasting ]]
*[[Portfolio Assessment ]]
*[[Portfolio Assessment ]]
*[[Portfolio Management ]]
*[[Portfolio Management ]]
*[[Poster Presentation]]
*[[Prescriptive Learning ]]
*[[Prescriptive Learning ]]
*[[Problem-Based Learning (Pbl) ]]
*[[Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)]]
*[[Problem-Based Learning (PBL) ]]
*[[Problem Tree Analysis]]
*[[Process Analysis]]
*[[Process Mapping]]
*[[Professional Development]]
*[[Program Objectives ]]
*[[Program Objectives ]]
Line 521: Line 796:
*[[Programmed Instruction ]]
*[[Programmed Instruction ]]
== R ==
*[[Project Management]]
*[[Public Lecture]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''Q''' </font> ==
*[[Quality Assurance]]
*[[Quality Standards]]
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''R''' </font> ==
*[[Reflective Learning ]]
*[[Reflective Learning ]]
Line 527: Line 814:
*[[Reliability ]]
*[[Reliability ]]
*[[Reporting ]]
*[[Reporting Tools]]
*[[Reusable ]]
*[[Results-Oriented Job Description]]
*[[Return on Investment (ROI)]]
*[[Reusable Content]]
*[[Ritual Dissent Method]]
*[[River of Life Method]]
*[[Role Play]]
*[[Round Robin]]
*[[Round Table]]
*[[Real Time Strategic Change (RTSC)]]
*[[Rubric ]]
*[[Rubric ]]
== S ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
*[[Scorm ]]
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''S''' </font> ==
*[[Samoan Circle]]
*[[Scenario-Based Assessment]]
*[[Scenario-Based Learning]]
*[[Scenario Planning]]
*[[SCORM ]]
*[[Screen Sharing ]]
*[[Second Life]]
*[[Self-Assessment ]]
*[[Self-Assessment ]]
Line 544: Line 867:
*[[Self-Managed Learning ]]
*[[Self-Managed Learning ]]
*[[Self-Motivated Creativity ]]
*[[Self-Paced Learning ]]
*[[Self-Paced Learning ]]
Line 551: Line 876:
*[[Self-Study Support ]]
*[[Self-Study Support ]]
*[[Share-Pair Circles ]]
*[[Side event]]
*[[Simulation-Based Training]]
*[[Single-Loop Learning ]]
*[[Single-Loop Learning ]]
*[[Single Sourcing]]
*[[Six Thinking Hats]]
*[[Social Constructivism]]
*[[Social Media]]
*[[Social Network]]
*[[Social Network]]
*[[Social Network Analysis (SNA)]]
*[[Socratic Questioning ]]
*[[Soft Outcomes ]]
*[[Soft Outcomes ]]
*[[Soft Shoe Shuffle ]]
*[[Soft Skills ]]
*[[Soft Skills ]]
Line 563: Line 910:
*[[Specification ]]
*[[Specification ]]
*[[Stakeholders ]]
*[[Spectrogram ]]
*[[Standardization ]]
*[[Spider Diagrams]]
*[[Stakeholder ]]
*[[Stakeholder Analysis]]
*[[Standards ]]
*[[Standards ]]
*[[Strategic Learning ]]
*[[Strategic Learning ]]
*[[Strong Wind Blows]]
*[[Structural Capital ]]
*[[Structural Capital ]]
*[[Subject Matter Expert (SME)]]
*[[Succession Planning]]
*[[Summative Assessment ]]
*[[Summative Assessment ]]
*[[Synchronous Learning ]]
*[[Summative Evaluation]]
*[[Synchronous Learning]]
*[[Synchronous Tools]]
*[[System Thinking]]
*[[Systems Approach ]]
*[[Systems Approach ]]
== T ==
*[[Systems Understanding ]]
*[[SWOT Analysis]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''T''' </font> ==
*[[Tacit Knowledge ]]
*[[Tacit Knowledge ]]
*[[Talk Show]]
*[[Tangible Assets ]]
*[[Tangible Assets ]]
*[[Taxonomy ]]
*[[Taxonomy ]]
*[[Team Briefing]]
*[[Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)]]
*[[Technical Cooperation]]
*[[Teleconference Clock Method]]
* [[360 Degree Feedback]]
*[[Threaded Discussion ]]
*[[Threaded Discussion ]]
Line 595: Line 986:
*[[Training Needs ]]
*[[Training Needs ]]
*[[Training Needs Analysis ]]
*[[Training Needs Assessment ]]
*[[Training of Trainers ]]
*[[Transferable Skills ]]
*[[Transferable Skills ]]
Line 605: Line 998:
*[[Tutorial ]]
*[[Tutorial ]]
== V ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''U''' </font> ==
*[[Unlearning ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''V''' </font> ==
*[[Value-Added Sevrices]]
*[[Value-Added Services]]
*[[Venn Diagrams]]
*[[Virtual Learning Environments]]
*[[Virtual Learning Environments]]
== W ==
*[[Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)|Vocational Education and Training]]
*[[Web Quest ]]
*[[Web-Based Learning ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''W''' </font> ==
*[[Web 2.0]]
*[[Web Based Training]]
*[[Web Feed]]
*[[Web Quest ]]
*[[Webinar ]]
*[[Webinar ]]
Line 624: Line 1,040:
*[[Wiki ]]
*[[Wiki ]]
*[[Work-Based Learning ]]
*[[Workplace Assessment ]]
*[[Workplace Assessment ]]
*[[Workplace Learning ]]
*[[Workplace Learning ]]
*[[World/Knowledge Café|World Café]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''X''' </font> ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''Y''' </font> ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''Z''' </font> ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''#''' </font> ==
*[[3E Method]]
*[[360 Degree Feedback ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>

Latest revision as of 09:35, 7 October 2011

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