Difference between revisions of "General Terminology"

Difference between revisions of "General Terminology"

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== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''A''' </font> ==
*[[Accelerated Learning ]]
== A ==
*[[Accreditation ]]
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research. UNITAR is governed by a Board of Trustees and is headed by an Executive Director. The Institute is supported by voluntary contributions from governments, intergovernmental organizations, foundations, and other non-governmental sources. 
*[[Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) ]]
  UNITAR's Mission
UNITAR’s mission is to deliver innovative training and conduct research on knowledge systems to develop the capacity of beneficiaries. Building on our experience, we optimize expertise, information and knowledge-sharing to achieve this mission.
*[[Action Learning Sets ]]
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research. UNITAR is governed by a Board of Trustees and is headed by an Executive Director. The Institute is supported by voluntary contributions from governments, intergovernmental organizations, foundations, and other non-governmental sources. 
  UNITAR's Mission
UNITAR’s mission is to deliver innovative training and conduct research on knowledge systems to develop the capacity of beneficiaries. Building on our experience, we optimize expertise, information and knowledge-sharing to achieve this mission.
*[[Action Review ]]
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research. UNITAR is governed by a Board of Trustees and is headed by an Executive Director. The Institute is supported by voluntary contributions from governments, intergovernmental organizations, foundations, and other non-governmental sources. 
  UNITAR's Mission
UNITAR’s mission is to deliver innovative training and conduct research on knowledge systems to develop the capacity of beneficiaries. Building on our experience, we optimize expertise, information and knowledge-sharing to achieve this mission.
*[[Action Space ]]
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research. UNITAR is governed by a Board of Trustees and is headed by an Executive Director. The Institute is supported by voluntary contributions from governments, intergovernmental organizations, foundations, and other non-governmental sources. 
  UNITAR's Mission
UNITAR’s mission is to deliver innovative training and conduct research on knowledge systems to develop the capacity of beneficiaries. Building on our experience, we optimize expertise, information and knowledge-sharing to achieve this mission.
*[[Active Learning ]]
*[[Active Listening]]
== B ==
*[[Active Report ]]
*[[Adaptive Learning ]]
*[[Adaptive Testing]]
*[[Adaptive Management ]]
*[[Adult Education ]]
*[[Adult Learning ]]
*[[Adult Learning Principles ]]
*[[Advance Distributed Learning ]]
*[[Advance Organizers ]]
*[[Advanced Skills ]]
*[[Affinity Grouping Technique]]
*[[After Action Review ]]
*[[Alternative Assessment ]]
*[[Analytical Applications ]]
*[[Analytical Approach ]]
*[[Andragogy ]]
*[[Appreciative Inquiry (AI)]]
*[[Artificial Intelligence ]]
*[[Assessment ]]
*[[Assessment Standardization]]
*[[Assessment Tool]]
*[[Asset Management Mentality ]]
*[[Asynchronous Communication]]
*[[Asynchronous Learning ]]
*[[Asynchronous Tools]]
*[[Audience Analysis ]]
*[[Audio Conferencing ]]
*[[Authoring Tool ]]
*[[Autonomic Learning ]]
*[[Avatar ]]
*[[Award ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''B''' </font> ==
*[[Backbone Network]]
*[[Backward Chaining ]]
*[[Balanced Scorecard ]]
*[[Bandwidth ]]
*[[Behavior Modification ]]
*[[Behaviorism ]]
*[[Blended Learning ]]
*[[Bloom’s Taxonomy ]]
*[[Bluetooth ]]
*[[Bookmark ]]
*[[Branching ]]
*[[Branching Assessment]]
*[[Branch Back ]]
*[[Bulletin Board ]]
*[[Bulletin Board System (BBS) ]]
*[[Business Process Re-Engineering]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''C''' </font> ==
*[[Capacity Development ]]
*[[Career Development]]
*[[Career Mentoring ]]
*[[Carousel Brainstorming ]]
*[[Cascade Training ]]
*[[Case Based Reasoning ]]
*[[Case Study]]
*[[Certification ]]
*[[Change Management ]]
*[[Chat Room ]]
*[[Chat/Talk show]]
*[[Checklist ]]
*[[Chunking ]]
*[[Coaching ]]
*[[Codification ]]
*[[Cognitive Domain ]]
*[[Cognitive Engagement ]]
*[[Cognitive Knowledge ]]
*[[Cognitive Load]]
*[[Cognitivism ]]
*[[Cohort ]]
*[[Collaborative Learning]]
*[[Collaborative Planning ]]
*[[Collaborative Tools ]]
*[[Collaborative Working ]]
*[[Collegial Coaching ]]
*[[Communities of Practice ]]
*[[Community Interactive Theater ]]
*[[Competence ]]
*[[Competence Framework]]
*[[Competence Analysis ]]
*[[Competence-Based Instruction ]]
*[[Complex Learning]]
*[[Comprehension ]]
*[[Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) ]]
*[[Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)]]
*[[Computer Based Training (CBT) ]]
*[[Computer Conferencing ]]
*[[Computer Marked Assignments ]]
*[[Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) ]]
*[[Computer Simulation ]]
*[[Conceptualization Theory]]
*[[Concept Modeling]]
*[[Confirmative Evaluation ]]
*[[Constructivism ]]
*[[Content Management ]]
*[[Content Management System (CMS) ]]
*[[Content Standards ]]
*[[Continuing Education ]]
*[[Continuing Professional Development ]]
*[[Control Processes ]]
*[[Convergent Assessment]]
*[[Cooperative Learning ]]
*[[Coordination Processes ]]
*[[Core Competencies ]]
*[[Course Blueprint ]]
*[[Course Goals]]
*[[Course Management Systems]]
*[[Course Map ]]
*[[Course Writer ]]
*[[Credit Accumulation and Transfer Schemes (CATS) ]]
*[[Criteria ]]
*[[Criterion-Referenced Assessment]]
*[[Critical Incident-Based Learning]]
*[[Critical Knowledge Function (CKF) ]]
*[[Critical Moments Reflection Methodology]]
*[[Critical Path Analysis]]
*[[Cubing ]]
*[[Customer Capital]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''D''' </font> ==
*[[Data Conferencing ]]
*[[Data Dictionary ]]
*[[Data Mining ]]
*[[Data Visualization]]
*[[De Facto Standard ]]
*[[Decision Support Systems (DSS) ]]
*[[Decision Tree]]
*[[Design-Based Learning]]
*[[Design Document ]]
*[[Desktop Publishing Tools]]
*[[Dialog Mapping]]
*[[Dialogic Learning ]]
*[[Differential Learning]]
*[[Differentiated Instruction ]]
*[[Digital Communication]]
*[[Dimensions ]]
*[[Direct Assessment of Learning ]]
*[[Discretionary Behavior ]]
*[[Discussion Board]]
*[[Discussion Panel]]
*[[Distance Learning ]]
*[[Distributed Implementation ]]
*[[Divergent Assessment ]]
*[[Document Management ]]
*[[Domain-Expert ]]
*[[Dotmocracy/Speed Geeking]]
*[[Double-Loop Learning ]]
*[[Dual System Education ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''E''' </font> ==
*[[E-Learning ]]
*[[E-Learning Platforms ]]
*[[E-Learning Portal ]]
*[[Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)]]
*[[Electronic Tablet]]
*[[Embedded Assessment ]]
*[[Emotional Intelligence]]
*[[Empowerment ]]
*[[E-Portfolio ]]
*[[E-Tutoring ]]
*[[Evaluation ]]
*[[Executive Information Systems ]]
*[[Exit Interview]]
*[[Expectational Knowledge ]]
*[[Experiential Learning ]]
*[[Experiential Learning Activity (ELA)]]
*[[Expert System ]]
*[[Explicit Knowledge ]]
*[[Extensibility ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''F''' </font> ==
*[[Face-to-Face Meeting]]
*[[Facilitated Learning ]]
*[[Facilitative Tools ]]
*[[Facilitator ]]
*[[Factual Knowledge ]]
*[[Feed Reader]]
*[[Fellowship Programme]]
*[[File Sharing]]
*[[Flexible Learning ]]
*[[Focus Groups]]
*[[Force-Field Assessment Analysis]]
*[[Formal Learning]]
*[[Formative Assessment ]]
*[[Formative Evaluation]]
*[[Fuzzy Query]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''G''' </font> ==
*[[Generative Learning ]]
*[[Generic Skills ]]
*[[Good Practices]]
*[[Ground Rules]]
*[[Groupware ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''H''' </font> ==
*[[Handbooks ]]
*[[Handout ]]
*[[Hard Skills ]]
*[[Human Capital ]]
*[[Human Performance Technologist ]]
*[[Humanism ]]
*[[Hyperlink ]]
*[[Hypermedia ]]
*[[Hypertext ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''I''' </font> ==
*[[IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder)]]
*[[Image Bank]]
*[[Impact Pathways]]
*[[Individualized Instruction ]]
*[[Informal Learning]]
*[[Information Audit ]]
*[[Information Life Cycle Management (ILM) ]]
*[[Information Management ]]
*[[Information Mapping]]
*[[Information Reporting ]]
*[[Information Resource Management (IRM) ]]
*[[Information System ]]
*[[Innovation ]]
*[[Inquiry-Based Learning]]
*[[Instructional Design ]]
*[[Instructional Design Software ]]
*[[Instructional Setting ]]
*[[Instructional Technology]]
*[[Instructor Guide]]
*[[Intangible Assets ]]
*[[Intangible Capital]]
*[[Intellectual Assets Management ]]
*[[Intellectual Capital ]]
*[[Interactive Activity ]]
*[[Interactive Lecture]]
*[[Interactivity ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''J''' </font> ==
*[[Job Shadowing ]]
*[[Just 3 words]]
*[[Just-in-Time Learning]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''K''' </font> ==
*[[Knowledge ]]
*[[Knowledge Acquisition]]
*[[Knowledge Analysis ]]
*[[Knowledge Architect ]]
*[[Knowledge Assets ]]
*[[Knowledge Audit ]]
*[[Knowledge Based System]]
*[[World/Knowledge Café|Knowledge Café]]
*[[Knowledge Community ]]
*[[Knowledge Construction ]]
*[[Knowledge Driven Decision Support Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Fair]]
*[[Knowledge Management ]]
*[[Knowledge Management Strategy ]]
*[[Knowledge Map ]]
*[[Knowledge Modeling]]
*[[Knowledge Organization ]]
*[[Knowledge Repository ]]
*[[Knowledge Representation ]]
*[[Knowledge Retention]]
*[[Knowledge Service Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Services ]]
*[[Knowledge Sharing]]
*[[Knowledge Systems ]]
*[[Knowledge Transfer ]]
*[[K-Spot ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''L''' </font> ==
*[[Leader ]]
*[[Leadership ]]
*[[Learner-Centered Approach ]]
*[[Learning Center ]]
*[[Learning Community ]]
*[[Learning Cycle ]]
*[[Learning Disabilities]]
*[[Learning Games]]
*[[Learning Management System (LMS) ]]
*[[Learning Methodologies ]]
*[[Learning Object ]]
*[[Learning Objectives ]]
*[[Learning Opportunity ]]
*[[Learning Organizations ]]
*[[Learning Process ]]
*[[Learning Styles]]
*[[Learning Theory]]
*[[Learning to Learn]]
*[[Lessons Learned ]]
*[[Lifelong Learning ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''M''' </font> ==
*[[Manual ]]
*[[Mastery Learning ]]
*[[Meaning Making Process]]
*[[Mental Models]]
*[[Mental Simulation]]
*[[Mentoring ]]
*[[Metacognition ]]
*[[Methods of Assessment ]]
*[[Mind Mapping]]
*[[Mixed Mode Institution ]]
*[[Mobile Learning]]
*[[Module ]]
*[[Most Significant Change (MSC)]]
*[[Motivational Dialogue ]]
*[[Multilevel Assessment]]
*[[Multilevel Instruction ]]
*[[Multiple Intelligences]]
*[[Mutual Learning ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''N''' </font> ==
*[[Needs Assessment ]]
*[[Networked Learning ]]
*[[Networking ]]
*[[Neural Network]]
*[[Nominal Group Technique ]]
*[[Non-Formal Learning]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''O''' </font> ==
*[[Objective Assessment ]]
*[[On-the-Job Training (OJT)]]
*[[Online Facilitator]]
*[[Online Learning ]]
*[[Open and Distance Learning (ODL)]]
*[[Open ECBCheck]]
*[[Open Educational Resources (OER)]]
*[[Open Educational Practices (OEP)]]
*[[Open Learning Environment (OLE)]]
*[[Open Source]]
*[[Open Space Technology]]
*[[Organization Structure ]]
*[[Organizational Development (OD)]]
*[[Organizational Learning ]]
*[[Outcome Based Education (OBE)]]
*[[Outcome Mapping]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''P''' </font> ==
*[[Paradigm Shift ]]
*[[Participant Guide]]
*[[Participant’s Package ]]
*[[Pedagogy ]]
*[[Peer Assist ]]
*[[Peer-to-Peer Assessment ]]
*[[Peer-to-Peer Network (P2P) ]]
*[[Performance Analysis]]
*[[Performance Assessment]]
*[[Performance Objective ]]
*[[Performance Standards ]]
*[[Personal Development Plan ]]
*[[Personalization ]]
*[[Podcasting ]]
*[[Portfolio Assessment ]]
*[[Portfolio Management ]]
*[[Poster Presentation]]
*[[Prescriptive Learning ]]
*[[Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)]]
*[[Problem-Based Learning (PBL) ]]
*[[Problem Tree Analysis]]
*[[Process Analysis]]
*[[Process Mapping]]
*[[Professional Development]]
*[[Program Objectives ]]
*[[Programmed Instruction ]]
*[[Project Management]]
*[[Public Lecture]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''Q''' </font> ==
*[[Quality Assurance]]
*[[Quality Standards]]
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''R''' </font> ==
*[[Reflective Learning ]]
*[[Reliability ]]
*[[Reporting Tools]]
*[[Results-Oriented Job Description]]
*[[Return on Investment (ROI)]]
*[[Reusable Content]]
*[[Ritual Dissent Method]]
*[[River of Life Method]]
*[[Role Play]]
*[[Round Robin]]
*[[Round Table]]
*[[Real Time Strategic Change (RTSC)]]
*[[Rubric ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''S''' </font> ==
*[[Samoan Circle]]
*[[Scenario-Based Assessment]]
*[[Scenario-Based Learning]]
*[[Scenario Planning]]
*[[SCORM ]]
*[[Screen Sharing ]]
*[[Second Life]]
*[[Self-Assessment ]]
*[[Self-Directed Learning ]]
*[[Self-Education ]]
*[[Self-Managed Learning ]]
*[[Self-Motivated Creativity ]]
*[[Self-Paced Learning ]]
*[[Self-Reflective Learning ]]
*[[Self-Study Support ]]
*[[Side event]]
*[[Simulation-Based Training]]
*[[Single-Loop Learning ]]
*[[Single Sourcing]]
*[[Six Thinking Hats]]
*[[Social Constructivism]]
*[[Social Media]]
*[[Social Network]]
*[[Social Network Analysis (SNA)]]
*[[Socratic Questioning ]]
*[[Soft Outcomes ]]
*[[Soft Shoe Shuffle ]]
*[[Soft Skills ]]
*[[Specification ]]
*[[Spectrogram ]]
*[[Spider Diagrams]]
*[[Stakeholder ]]
*[[Stakeholder Analysis]]
*[[Standards ]]
*[[Strategic Learning ]]
*[[Strong Wind Blows]]
*[[Structural Capital ]]
*[[Subject Matter Expert (SME)]]
*[[Succession Planning]]
*[[Summative Assessment ]]
*[[Summative Evaluation]]
*[[Synchronous Learning]]
*[[Synchronous Tools]]
*[[System Thinking]]
*[[Systems Approach ]]
*[[Systems Understanding ]]
*[[SWOT Analysis]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''T''' </font> ==
*[[Tacit Knowledge ]]
*[[Talk Show]]
*[[Tangible Assets ]]
*[[Taxonomy ]]
*[[Team Briefing]]
*[[Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)]]
*[[Technical Cooperation]]
*[[Teleconference Clock Method]]
* [[360 Degree Feedback]]
*[[Threaded Discussion ]]
*[[Topical Outline ]]
*[[Trainee Guide ]]
*[[Training Needs ]]
*[[Training Needs Assessment ]]
*[[Training of Trainers ]]
*[[Transferable Skills ]]
*[[Transformative Learning ]]
*[[Triple-Loop Learning ]]
*[[Tutorial ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''U''' </font> ==
*[[Unlearning ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''V''' </font> ==
*[[Value-Added Services]]
*[[Venn Diagrams]]
*[[Virtual Learning Environments]]
*[[Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)|Vocational Education and Training]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''W''' </font> ==
*[[Web 2.0]]
*[[Web Based Training]]
*[[Web Feed]]
*[[Web Quest ]]
*[[Webinar ]]
*[[Whiteboard ]]
*[[Wiki ]]
*[[Workplace Assessment ]]
*[[Workplace Learning ]]
*[[World/Knowledge Café|World Café]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''X''' </font> ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''Y''' </font> ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''Z''' </font> ==
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>
== <font color="#D87A35" size="5" > '''#''' </font> ==
*[[3E Method]]
*[[360 Degree Feedback ]]
<div style= "text-align: right;"> [[#top|TOP]] <br> </div> <div style= "text-align: right;"> </div>

Latest revision as of 10:35, 7 October 2011

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #



















































