Critical Incident-Based Learning

Critical Incident-Based Learning

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A pedagogical design in which a critical incident provides the basis for all learning, teaching, and assessment activities. The aim is to teach learners how to recognize these critical incidences as learning opportunities, and how to reflect on them critically while in action. Learners are required to identify a critical incident from their life or workplace, and solve it. This is also related to the Critical Moments Reflection Methodology.

A typical critical incident is a significant event that has caused someone to rethink or change his perceptions and behavior about something and in some way. Participants encounter such situations in their workplace which present them with learning opportunities. The model integrates reflection, collaborative learning, and computer-mediated communication into a model of learning and instruction. [1]

This technique is also used in Knowledge Management-related contexts. The Critical Incident Technique (CIT) is a very useful tool for collecting data for exploration/planning, for reflecting on professional practice, and analyzing reports of incidents. Referto the Critical Incident Technique in KM short manual for complementary information : concept, advantages and limitations of the method, practical guide for using CITs.[2]

MATERIAL.png Additional Materials
Pdf.png Critical Incident Technique in KM


  1. (28 July 2008)
  2. (31 October 2008)