Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

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An organizational development process or philosophy that engages individuals within an organizational system in its renewal, change and focused performance.

Its assumption is simple: every organization has something that works right – things that give it life when it is most alive, effective, successful, and connected in healthy ways to its stakeholders and communities. AI begins by identifying what is positive and connecting to it in ways that heighten energy and vision for change. AI recognizes that every organization is an open system that depends on its human capital to bring its vision and purpose to life.The outcome of an AI initiative is a long-term positive change in the organization. AI encourages people to work together to promote a better understanding of the human system, the heartbeat of the organization. [1] The basis idea is to build organizations around what works, rather than trying to fix what doesn't. It is the opposite of problem solving. Instead of negation, criticism, and spiraling diagnosis, there is discovery, dream, design and destiny (4-D circle).

Problem solving versus Appreciative Inquiry

Problem solving Appreciative Inquiry and the 4-stage process
Identify Problem Appreciate "What is" (what gives life?), identify "What works well" : DISCOVER
Conduct Root Cause Analysis Imagine "What might be", Envision results : DREAM
Brainstorm Solutions & Analyse Determine "What should be", Co-construct :DESIGN
Develop Actions Plans Determine "What will be", Sustain : DESTINY

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