Logical Framework

Logical Framework

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A logical framework (commonly known as a logframe) links activities results, purpose and objectives of a programme, project or policy in a hierarchical form. For each of the programme, project or policy components, the evaluator identifies the performance indicators that are required, the sources of information for each indicator and the assumptions. Logframes are designed to clarify the objectives of a programme, project or policy and identify the casual links between inputs, outcomes, and impacts. In its most basic form, a logframe is a matrix that summarizes in concise language the critical elements of a programme, project or policy. The approach addresses key questions in a methodical manner using casual logic.

Logframes are used for a variety of purposes which include:

  1. Improving the quality of projects, programmes or policy design by mandating the specification of clear objectives, use of performance indicators, and risk assessment;
  2. Summarizing the design of programmatic and complex activities;
  3. Assisting staff in preparing detailed operational plans;
  4. providing an objective basis for activity review, monitoring, and evaluation.[1]


  1. Imas Linda G. Morra, Rist C. Ray. The Road To Results; Designing and Conducting Effective Development Evaluations pp 168. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2009.