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{{Contributor|ORTOLEVA, Giulia|[[image:giuliaortoleva_red.jpg]] | Giulia worked as a consultant of the Knowledge Systems Innovation Unit of UNITAR for three years, before starting a PhD in the field of educational technologies, and more in particul technology-enhanced learning, with the University of Geneva (UNIGE).  
{{Contributor|ORTOLEVA, Giulia|[[image:giuliaortoleva_red.jpg]] | Giulia worked as a consultant of the Knowledge Systems Innovation Unit of UNITAR for three years, before starting a PhD in the field of educational technologies, and more in particul technology-enhanced learning, with the University of Geneva (UNIGE).  
Besides her PhD thesis and her position as a research assistant for the University og Geneva, she is currently also studying towards obtaining a Diploma in Open and Distance Education with the Open University UK.
Besides her PhD thesis and her position as a research assistant for the University of Geneva, she is currently studying towards obtaining a Diploma in Open and Distance Education with the Open University UK.
Originally from Italy Giulia obtained her bachelor and master degree in Neuropsychology at the University of Turin. She then moved to Geneva, Switzerland, where she has been living for the last 3 years.| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id ullamcorper justo. Fusce id luctus diam. Praesent ultrices eleifend dolor non ornare. Duis accumsan dapibus lorem, in ullamcorper orci congue sit amet. Vestibulum quis est magna. Phasellus mollis aliquet leo in ornare. Duis ligula nisi, semper nec tristique nec, elementum sit amet ante. Aliquam volutpat mattis mauris nec aliquet. Suspendisse eget lorem id nunc vulputate consectetur nec sit amet mauris. Donec at nisi eget turpis pretium sagittis ut sit amet nibh. Vestibulum sed magna ipsum, sit amet tristique eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In id blandit purus. Nulla facilisi.
Originally from Italy Giulia obtained her bachelor and master degree in Neuropsychology at the University of Turin. She then moved to Geneva, Switzerland, where she has been living for the last 3 years.| Instructional Design, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Vocational Education & Training
Affiliation: Université de Genève (UNIGE) - TECFA
Contacts: [mailto:g.ortoleva@libero.it g.ortoleva(at)libero.it]}}
Suspendisse at dolor vitae orci pretium ornare et ac lectus. Aliquam tempus massa lectus. Maecenas dapibus metus in nisl gravida vel iaculis sem luctus. Cras ornare, orci eget bibendum faucibus, arcu odio suscipit augue, non tristique risus justo at ipsum. Nulla at facilisis nisl. Mauris sagittis nulla vel urna egestas ultrices iaculis lorem hendrerit. Morbi euismod ullamcorper mattis. Nam ac turpis diam. Donec adipiscing, metus vitae dapibus pharetra, dui libero rhoncus justo, sed bibendum lectus augue tempor magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean auctor scelerisque felis, quis varius nisl viverra eget. Mauris mattis sem sed lectus malesuada eget luctus diam congue. Pellentesque vestibulum nulla et tortor accumsan et feugiat lectus lobortis.
Affiliation: Université de Genève (UNIGE) - TECFA}}

Revision as of 15:30, 5 September 2011

In the course of the last few years, a series of people have participated in the development of Click4it, contributing with their expertise in the field of adult education and with thorough and careful research in the various topics touched upon in this online repository.

UNITAR is thankful for the hard work and dedication of these contributors. In particular we wish to mention the dedication of all the collaborators that have joined the Knowledge Systems Innovation Unit and have participated to the Click4it effort.

In addition to KSI staff, a series of people accepted to contribute their knowledge and expertise, in order to make our repository as comprehensive as possible. The institute would like to express our sincere gratitude to them, in particular: