Chat Room

Chat Room

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Revision as of 13:58, 27 May 2009 by Arianna.lovera (Talk | contribs)

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Term2.png CHAT ROOM
Electronic place where individuals can connect by sending typed text to one another in real time.

Chat room or chatroom can occasionally describe even asynchronous conferencing but, generally, this term means technologies such as real-time online chat, instant messaging and online forums.

A chat room is a place on the internet where people with similar interests can meet and communicate together by typing messages on their computer. People can often enter an unmoderated chat room without any verification of who they are. Problems for students can arise with chat room participants pretending to be someone they are not.



  1. Rapid Instructional Design, Learning ID Fast and Right. George M. Piskurich, 2006, Wikipedia (27 May 2009), (27 May 2009)