World/Knowledge Café

World/Knowledge Café

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Term2.png World/Knowledge Café
Creative, group process for leading collaborative dialogue, sharing knowledge and creating possibilities for action in group of any size. The environment is set up like a café. Every table as some refreshements and markers on it and is covered with a paper tablecloth. People sitting on a table are asked to held a series of conversation rounds on one or different significant topics, chosen by the organizers. They are asked to use the paper and the marker to keep track of their ideas in the way they prefer (drawing, writing, creating mind maps). Once the conversations are over (usaully a time limit is set), people change table and before starting discussing the new topic they present the basic ideas of the group they were previously in. The most important ideas that where discussed in every group are then spread to the whole number of participants. [1]

{{Addtool|Organizing a World Café|

Step by Step

  • Prepare some café-style tables, and put on them a paper tablecloth, markers and some refreshments.
  • Create groups of four or five people and sit each of them around a table.
  • In each group identify a person that will have the role of the host and will never leave the table.
  • Set up progressive rounds of conversations, each of them must be around 20-30 minutes. The number of conversations depend of the total number of participants to the word café.
  • Select questions or issues that are significant for the participants, and ask everyone to discuss them.
  • Encourage everyone, host and other members, to write and draw on the tablecloth.
  • After the round of conversation is completed (according to the time you fixed at the beginning), ask all the participants but the host, to leave the table and sit in another one.
  • Ask the table host to welcome the new guests and to introduce to them the themes and ideas discussed in the previous round. The guests are then encouraged to link to the ideas porposed by the host and share the discussions that were made in their previous tables. Since people are moving around in different tables the ideas of all the different groups start to link and connect to each other.
  • In the third round the participants can be invited to go back to their previous table or to go ina new one and keep exloring the topics proposed.
  • After all the previewed rounds of conversation have been made, initiate a preiod of discussion with the whole group, sharing ideas and insights of all the groups.


  1. (31 October 2008), (31 October 2008), (31 October 2008)