World/Knowledge Café

World/Knowledge Café

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Term2.png World/Knowledge Café
Creative, group process for leading collaborative dialogue, sharing knowledge and creating possibilities for action in group of any size. The environment is set up like a café. Every table as some refreshements and markers on it and is covered with a paper tablecloth. People sit on a table and held a series of conversation rounds on one or different significant topics. They are asked to use the paper and the marker to keep track of their ideas in the way they prefer (drawing, writing, creating mind maps). These conversations should last between 20 and 45 minutes. After this time all the participants, but one who will be the host of the table, are asked to sit in other table, possibly with any component of the previous group. The new group members share with the others the main ideas that have been discussed in the previous conversation, and the host explain what was said in that table, also through the drawings. Then new conversations start. The same process can be repeated again, according to the total number of people.