Program Objectives

Program Objectives

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Revision as of 10:54, 22 July 2008 by FELICITE (Talk | contribs)

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Define the exit competencies expected of the learner upon completing the entire program. Program objectives are the ultimate synthesis and application of all prior learning. [1] See Also: Learning Objectives


  1. [http://www.RUBRIC Assessment tool that is presented to learners before they begin an activity. The rubric establishes criteria upon which a product will be assessed and levels of competency. Then, for each criterion, each level of competency is defined operationally, telling exactly what each level of competency looks like and what a learner must do to earn certain scores. Rubrics allow learners to know in advance exactly what is required of them for a specific grade or score. (22 July 2008) ] (5 March 2008)