Technical Cooperation

Technical Cooperation

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The provision of know-how in the form of personnel, training, research and associated costs, also referred to as technical assistance. It comprises donor-financed activities and services. of this kind provided specifically to facilitate the implementation of a capital project is included indistinguishably among bilateral project and programme expenditures, and not separately identified as technical co-operation in statistics of aggregate flows. There are two basic types of technical cooperation:
  • Free-standing technical cooperation (FTC), which is the provision of resources aimed at the transfer of technical and managerial skills or of technology for the purpose of building up general national capacity without reference to the implementation of any specific investment projects.
  • Investment-related technical cooperation (IRTC), which denotes the provision of technical services required for the implementation of specific investment projects.
In conclusion, Technical Cooperation includes both grants to nationals of aid recipient countries receiving education or training at home or abroad, and payments to consultants, advisers and similar personnel as well as teachers and administrators serving in recipient countries, including the cost of associated equipment. [1]


  1. Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts. From the Development Co-operation Report: Efforts and Policies of Members of the Development Assistance Committee, 2001, (23 July 2008)