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  • Shrock, S. A., and Coscarelli, W. C., Criterion-Referenced Test Development: Technical and Legal Guidelines for Corporate Training, (3rd Edition), Pfeiffer, 2007
  • William H. Rice IV, “Moodle 1.9 E-Learning Course Development”, Packt Publishing, 2008
  • Agenda 21, Capacity Building-Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, 1992
  • Aid Delivery Methods - Project Cycle Management Guidelines, European Commission, 2004
  • Allen's, M., Designing Successful E-Learning, Pfeiffer Editions, 2007
  • Mary R. Bast, Out of the Box Coahing/Breakthroughs with the Enneagram, 1999
  • Bozarth, J., E-Learning Solutions on a Shoestring, Pfeiffer Editions, 2005
  • Collison, C., Parcell, G., "Learning to Fly - Practical Management from Leading and Learning Organisations", 2004
  • Consalvo, C., Experiential Training Activities for Outside and In. 1993. HRD Press
  • CDI, Country Capacity Development Needs and Priorities, a Synthesis, October 2000
  • Canadian International Development Agency, Capacity Development – Occasional Series, Policy Branch, 2000
  • Cross, R.L., Parker, A., The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations, Harvard Business School Press, 2004
  • Dalkir, K., Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005
  • Drucker P.F., Garvin, D., Leonard, D., Straus, S., Brown, J. S., Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management, Harvard Business School Press, 1998
  • Eitington, J. E., The Winning Trainer, Winning Ways to Involve People in Learning, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001
  • European Commission, Aid Delivery Methods - Project Cycle Management Guidelines, 2004
  • Fadel, C., Honey, M., & Pasnik, S. (2007, May 23). Assessment in the Age of Innovation. Education Week , 34, 40.
  • Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development, Carter McNamara, 2006
  • Fukuda-Parr, S., Lopes, C., Malik, K., Capacity for Development – New Solutions to Old Problems, 2002
  • Global Environment Facility, Strategic Approach to Enhance Capacity Building, December 2003
  • Harrison, R., Learning and Development, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, 2005
  • Hargrove, R., Masterful Coaching: Extraodinary Results by Impacting People and the Way They Think and Work Together, Pfeiffer Editions, 2000
  • Hart, L. B., Crisp, M. G., Training Methods That Work: A Handbook for Trainers, Crisp Publications, 1991
  • Kahane, A., Solving Tough Problems, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004
  • Klein, J. D., Spector, J. M., Grabowski, B.L., De La Teja, I., Instructor Competencies – Standards for Face-to-Face, Online, and Blended Settings, Information Age Publishing, 2004
  • Lin, H., & Francis, D. (2006). The Fingertip Effects of Computer-based Assessment in Education. TechTrends, 50 (6), 27-31.
  • Littlejohn, A., Pegler, C., Preparing for Blended E-Learning, Routledge New York, 2007
  • McNamara, C., Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development, Authenticity Consulting, 2006
  • Moore, M. G., (Editor), The Handbook of Distance Education, 2007
  • NORAD, Handbook in Assessment of Institutional Sustainability, 2000
  • OECE, The Challenge of Capacity Development, Working Towards Good Practice, 2006
  • OECD-DAC Development Co-operation Report: Efforts and Policies of Members of the Development Assistance Committee, Statistical Reporting Directives, 2002
  • Pelligrino, J. W. (1999). The Evolution of Educational Assessment : Considering the Past and Imagining the Future. William H. Anghoff Memorial Lecture Series (pp. 1-19). New Jersey: Educational Testing Service, Princeton University.
  • Pike, B., Solem, L., "50 Creative Training Openers and Energisers", Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2000
  • Pike, B., Busse, C., "101 more games for Trainers", HRD Press, 1995
  • Piskurich, G. M., Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right, Pfeiffer Edition, 2006
  • Project Cycle Management Guidelines, European Commission, 2004
  • Race, P., The lecturer’s toolkit: A Resource for Developing. Learning, Teaching, and Assessment, Routledge, 1998
  • Ramalingam, B., Tools for Knowledge and Learning, odi, 2006
  • Rapid Instructional Design, 2nd Edition, George M. Piskurich, 2006
  • Rosenberg, M. J., Beyond E-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance, Pfeiffer Edition, 2005
  • Rylatt, Alastair., Learning Unlimited: Transforming Learning in the Workplace, Kogan Page, 2001
  • Simard, Albert, Broome, J., Drury, M., Haddon, B., O’Neil, B., Pasho, D., Understanding Knowledge Service at Natural Resources Canada, Office of the Chief Scientist, Ottawa, 2007
  • Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., Zvacek, S., Teaching and Learning at a Distance, Allyn & Bacon, 2000
  • Skinner, B. F., The Operational Analysis of Psychological Terms, Cambridge University Press, 1984
  • Taket, A., Diversity management: Triple Loop Learning, RA Flood, NRA Romm, Palgrave Macmillan, 1996
  • Tiwana, A., The Knowledge Management Toolkit: The Practical Techniques for Building a Knowledge Management System Prentice, Hall Dimensions, 1999
  • Tracey, W. R., The Human Resources Glossary: The Complete Desk Reference for HR Executives, Routledge, 2003
  • UN Economic and Social Council, CEP/AC.13/2004/8/Add.2
  • UNDP/UNICEF, Report Workshop on Capacity Building, Harare, 2002
  • UNDP, Knowledge Services and Learning – A UNDP Capacity Development Resource, November 2006
  • UNDP/GEF, National Capacity Self-Assessments: A Resource Kit, October 2004
  • UNDP, Developing Capacity Through Technical Cooperation, 2002
  • UNESCO, Glossary of Educational Technology Terms, Second Edition