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(Created page with "{{Term|GAMIFICATION| There are many definitions for the term, but the most generally adopted is: “gamification is the use of game design elements (such as badges, points and...")

Revision as of 18:40, 27 January 2014


MATERIAL.png Additional Materials
Document Content
The eLearning Industry This is the original article on which the wiki article is based. It will provide more detailed information.
eLearning Tags In this article, Ferrara provides a toolkit that supports the designing of persuasive games.
Over 1000 Free eLearning Resources Whitson talks about surveillance and gamification in a very insightful article.
Viva eLearning Lagosterafocus on the use of gamification as a persuasive tool.
Top 10 eLearning Statistics for 2014 Groh’s article is a good sum up of gamification’s definitions.
8 Tips for Engaging Students in e-Learning Chorney provides us an overview of gamification, focusing on its rethorics and its ineffectiveness as a persuasive tool.
Link icon.png Web Resources
Link Content
Gamification: State of the Art Definition and Utilization Groh provides a guide for meaningful gamification (based on intrinsic motivation). See pages: 41 – 44.
Raising Engagement in e-Learning Through Gamification Muntean tells us how to gamify an e-Learning application? See pages: 326-328.
Literature Review on Web Application Gamification and Analytics Gamification Design: HOW (a general approachgeneral.) See pages: 20-27.
6 Types of Rewards to Maximize Engagement in Gamification In this article, Chou explains the structure of a reward and describes six types of rewards that can be implemented into a design as well as their key features.
Pinterest Board on Gamification


Check out Click4it's Pinterest Board on Gamification and discover more through infographics!
The 4 Keys to Fun – The Psychology of Engagement The 4 Keys to Fun explained in a power point presentation.
Difference Between Gamification and Serious Games Marczewski explains in a visual friendly manner the differences between gamification and serious games.
[ http://marczewski.me.uk/2013/10/21/game-thinking-breaking/ Game Thinking – breaking down] Marczewski explains game thinking in a visual friendly manner, while relating it ro serious games, gamification and games.
MOOC on Gamification (University of Pennsylvania) Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively.
Gamification.co This is the website of a gamification agency ran by Gabe Zichermann. It’s worth a tour for a better perspective of trends on gamification, where many of them have been born. Note that the website is itself gamified, and that you do not choose to enter the game, once you visit the page you are automatically “gaming”.
Gamification Theory: Moral Hazard & Bad Games This article discusses the potential for extrinsic motivational tools for failure and possible solutions to the matter.


  1. Deterding et al. From Game Design Elements to Gamefulness: Defining “Gamification”. p.10