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*Networking Opportunities: Participants have the opportunity to establish new contacts that may lead to collaboration in future projects}}
*Networking Opportunities: Participants have the opportunity to establish new contacts that may lead to collaboration in future projects}}
*Preparation (by the Committee)
**Clarify the purpose of holding the Writeshop
**Define the target audience (who will read the final publication?)
**Contact subject matter experts (who will contribute to the publication?)
**Decide when the participants need to be present (which date/time they are expected?)
**Raise funds
**Identify and assign topics
**Ask participants to prepare a draft paper on the assigned topic
**Prepare logistics
***Food (make sure to ask if someone is vegetarian)
***Infrastructure (with Copy Machine, Fax, Laptop)
***Atmosphere (to be motivating and relaxing)
**Invite Participants
**Assign a person to track the time lines and progress
**Draft 1
***Each participant reads his/her draft
***The participants receive a copy of the draft, make comments and suggest changes
***Some topics may need to be improved, added or removed
***An editor assists the author to make the suggested revisions and produce the second draft
***In the meantime, other participants present their first draft, make revisions with an editor and produce the second draft
**Draft 2
***Each participant presents the second draft
***The audience gives a constructive feedback
***The editor helps create a third draft and adds illustrations
**Draft 3: The participants can make final comments and revisions
*Publication <ref> [http://www.mamud.com/writeshoplist.htm www.mamud.com] (3 August 2009)</ref>
**Revise the final version

Revision as of 15:09, 25 August 2009

Actively involved workshops to consolidate information and put it in writing. These become useful when there is an urgency to produce informative materials quickly with the help of several subject matter experts. The goal is to create a draft, revise and finalize the material rapidly using the knowledge of the writeshop participants. The final product is a publication that is practical and relevant and that can provide technological options to the reader. Writeshops were first held by the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction in the Philippines. Up until now, more than 50 writeshops were organized to deliver publications on topics such as environment, health and agriculture.[1]

Benefits of conducting Writeshops:

  • Immediate Result: An informative pamphlet can be written within hours/days depending on the length and the progress of the Writeshops
  • Input from Experts: Participants with personal experiences are invited to the Writeshops and become important contributors to the final document
  • Constructive Feedback: Facilitators and participants actively comment on the proposed material and suggest changes if necessary
  • Availability of Support Team: Editors and illustrators assist the experts in rewriting the information material and adding visual graphics wherever appropriate
  • Flexibility: The content of the pamphlet can be modified according to the feedback from the facilitators and participants
  • Testing: Participants can test the finalized material for its accuracy and clarity at the end of the writeshops
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants have the opportunity to establish new contacts that may lead to collaboration in future projects
Step by Step
  • Preparation (by the Committee)
    • Clarify the purpose of holding the Writeshop
    • Define the target audience (who will read the final publication?)
    • Contact subject matter experts (who will contribute to the publication?)
    • Decide when the participants need to be present (which date/time they are expected?)
    • Raise funds
    • Identify and assign topics
    • Ask participants to prepare a draft paper on the assigned topic
    • Prepare logistics
      • Transportation
      • Hotel
      • Food (make sure to ask if someone is vegetarian)
      • Infrastructure (with Copy Machine, Fax, Laptop)
      • Atmosphere (to be motivating and relaxing)
    • Invite Participants
  • Writeshop
    • Assign a person to track the time lines and progress
    • Draft 1
      • Each participant reads his/her draft
      • The participants receive a copy of the draft, make comments and suggest changes
      • Some topics may need to be improved, added or removed
      • An editor assists the author to make the suggested revisions and produce the second draft
      • In the meantime, other participants present their first draft, make revisions with an editor and produce the second draft
    • Draft 2
      • Each participant presents the second draft
      • The audience gives a constructive feedback
      • The editor helps create a third draft and adds illustrations
    • Draft 3: The participants can make final comments and revisions
  • Publication [2]
    • Revise the final version
    • Print
    • Distribute
    • Evaluate


  1. www.mamud.com (2 June 2009), www.washcost.info (3 August 2009), http://maidon.pcarrd.dost.gov.ph (3 August 2009), http://caraga.dost.gov.ph (3 August 2009), www.leisa.info (3 August 2009)
  2. www.mamud.com (3 August 2009)