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*Make participants reflect on common points and contradditions of each one of the stories.
*Make participants reflect on common points and contradditions of each one of the stories.
*Ask every small group to present to the whole group their findings and conclusions.
*Ask every small group to present to the whole group their findings and conclusions.
=='''Story Template'''==

Revision as of 16:50, 1 October 2008

Communication tool used in organizations, allowing individuals to share their knowledge and personal understanding with others through inspired narratives. Telling a story is a deceptively simple and familiar process, a way to evoke strong emotions and insights. The language used is authentic (experience, not fact oriented); it is the narrative form that most people find interesting and attractive. Storytelling has existed for thousands of years as a means of exchanging information and generating understanding. Using it as a deliberate tool for sharing knowledge within organizations is quite recent, but growing rapidly. Working with stories in organizational settings is more complicated but they provide powerful mechanisms to aid reflection, build communities, transfer practical learning or capitalize experiences. Storytelling has numerous advantages over more traditional communication techniques. It enables articulation of both emotional and factual content, allowing expression of tacit knowledge that might otherwise be difficult to share. Additionally, storytelling can increase the potential for meaningful knowledge sharing; by grounding facts in a narrative structure learning is more likely to take place and be passed on.

Potential applications of storytelling are:

  • Breaking down barriers between multidisciplinary or multi-cultural teams;
  • Team or community-building exercises;
  • Workshop warm-ups;
  • Trips debriefings and review;
  • Project reviews;
  • Monitoring systems
  • Entertainment and fun [1]

Toolkit.png Organizing a Storytelling Session

Step by Step

  • Introduce the workshop and the theme for storytelling. It's important to provide the participants a context on which they can reflect and that permits them to select the story they are going to tell.
  • Make participants reflect on a story and think about details of before, during and after.
  • Ask participants to form pair and to share the story they have prepared.
  • Ask the participant that is listening in each moment to interview the partner and fill the Story Template as a guide, so that as much details as possible will be collected.
  • Form bigger groups of two pairs, where each participant will tell the story that was previously told by the partner.
  • Make participants reflect on common points and contradditions of each one of the stories.
  • Ask every small group to present to the whole group their findings and conclusions.

Practical Tips

Choice of the story

  • Type of story:
    • Folktale, meaning a story from oral tradition
    • Literary Tale, by a single author, made for publishing
    • Real Life Story, form history and personal experiences
  • Characteristics of the story
    • It should be simple, with a single, clearly defined theme, and powerful
    • It should be in response to a demand, and timed with specific opportunities.
    • It should have a nice style, with vivid word picture, pleasing sounds and rhythm,
    • It should provide a solution to both immediate and broader problems;
    • It should be targeted at people with the power to make decisions and change things;
    • It should play to what is already in people’s mind.


  • Read the story several times
  • Analyze the words, thinking about the pictures you want the listener to see and the mood you want to create.
  • Research background and cultural meaning of the story
  • Learn the story as a whole and not in fragments, whithouth memorizing it.
  • Map out the story line:
    • Beginning: When the caracters are introduced,
    • Body, in which the plot gets to the climax
    • Resolution, where the conflicts are solved
  • Characteristics of the narration:
    • Emphasis
    • Repetition
    • Transition
    • Pause
    • Proportion
  • Tricks to keep the attention:
    • Involvement or participation of listeners
    • Distinct changes in pace, voice or mood
    • Unusual or unexpected twist in narrations [2]

Job Aid


  1. www.personneltoday.com (17 July 2008), www.ijea.org(17 July 2008); www.daretoshare.ch/en (19 July 2008), www.odi.org.uk (19 July 2008)
  2. www.eldrbarry.net (1 September 2008), www.daretoshare.ch (1 September 2008)