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<search sroffset="10" />
<p ns="0" title="General Terminology" snippet="*[[<span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> Making Process]] " size="16913" wordcount="1593" timestamp="2011-10-07T08:35:29Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Bloom’s Taxonomy" snippet="|An article explaining the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of Bloom’s Taxonomy through some pictures. " size="7425" wordcount="1007" timestamp="2013-07-26T15:12:22Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Comprehension" snippet="{{Term|COMPREHENSION|Level of learning that involves grasping the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of material or restating previously learned material in one's own words.&lt;re " size="268" wordcount="33" timestamp="2008-06-26T15:15:24Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Constructivism" snippet="# <span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> is in the mind of the knower. # <span class='searchmatch'>Meaning</span> making is prompted by a problem, question, confusion, disagreement, or diss " size="1344" wordcount="191" timestamp="2010-06-07T09:43:29Z" />
<p ns="0" title="E-Tutoring" snippet="...lleagues e-tutor each other; [[Synchronous Learning|synchronous tutoring]] <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> e-tutor and learner(s) are online at the same time with a shared interface " size="6650" wordcount="955" timestamp="2014-05-25T21:36:24Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Flexible Learning" snippet="The real <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of flexible learning is not unilateral. It equally applies to ‘flexible t " size="18657" wordcount="2670" timestamp="2014-01-15T14:37:01Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Transformative Learning" snippet="... validate, and reformulate the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of their experience to change their <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> schemes (specific beliefs, attitudes, and emotional reactions). Learners mu " size="932" wordcount="130" timestamp="2008-07-17T14:45:30Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Assessment Standardization" snippet="... are assessed under the same conditions so that their scores have the same <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> and are not influenced by differing conditions. Standardized procedures for " size="559" wordcount="79" timestamp="2008-07-18T07:50:49Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Needs Assessment" snippet="...alysis and/or Needs Assessment are interchangeable terms and have the same <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> and purpose, to assess and analyze. The primary objective of the training n " size="9821" wordcount="1384" timestamp="2014-11-17T11:36:17Z" />
<p ns="0" title="Learning Objectives" snippet="...avioral part of the objective. Use action verbs with observable behavioral <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>. The action of each objective is what determines whether it is verifiable. " size="11533" wordcount="1654" timestamp="2017-03-08T09:48:08Z" />