Self-Paced Learning

Self-Paced Learning

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{{Term|SELF-PACED LEARNING|Learning that is directed by the individual in order to meet personal learning objectives. In self-paced learning the learner controls the pace of the learning process. The course may still require the individual to reach specific points or meet particular criteria within the content studied. The learning is targeted to the individual, but the pace of learning may be partially controlled by the trainer or facilitator. It is asynchronous learning, since is usually conducted through CD-Rom, or over the Internet without an instructor. The benefits of self-paced learning (17 March 2008), (17 March 2008), (17 March 2008)

  1. Trainees can progress at their individual pace
  2. Trainees do not have interruptions that may affect their learning
  3. Trainees can choose material they need
  4. The same program can accommodate different needs.
  5. Many of the programs are web-based
